This week, as I was thinking about how difficult it is for all
of us to face and navigate not only the typical challenges of life but
also the exceptional challenges of this year, I was reminded of a
story found in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 4:35-41). Thinking about that
story is helping me by providing a simple visual reminder of some very powerful
In the story, Jesus and some guys are traveling at night in a boat.
And, after Jesus falls asleep, they encounter a great windstorm. It
was dark. The wind was whipping. Everything was unstable. The waves were
crashing. Water was filling the boat. Fear and insecurity and nausea and
pain and exhaustion were all spiking. They felt alone, inadequate,
certain to fail, and like nobody (including Jesus) cared.
Fears and feelings we all experience.
Like the people in the story, I know all those elements can cloud our eyes
and hearts until we miss or forget or just won’t believe that: Jesus is in
our boat with us, He does care for us, and His peace is more
powerful than everything we fear and feel.
I have no idea what it is to be you, to carry your unique burdens, to try
to heal your unique hurts, or to make sense of your unique
experiences. But, I want you to know that I am praying for you (and
everyone who reads this) and hoping that as you face all the storms
that are threatening you in this moment and in the days ahead you
would be able to trust that God is in your boat with you, that God cares
for you beyond what you could imagine, and that it is possible for you to experience
God’s peace even if your storm doesn’t disappear.
You are not alone!