Our vision is to be a church where the disconnected
feel welcome to connect with God.
We want to create both targeted and shared experiences
that utilize the most essential tools
for spiritual growth at each stage of life.
We believe:
Every child needs a person who will love them, love Jesus, and connect the two.
Every teen needs a task that gives them ownership and identity.
Every adult needs a sacred space to unplug from the noise and connect with God.
As a spiritual family of comprehensively diverse, authentic followers of Jesus, we choose to value the following:
Scripture as our Wisdom
The Bible powerfully shapes what we ultimately believe about
who God is, who we are, and what is the best way to live.
Mission as our Reason for Existence
Being part of God’s mission right now, today, is the
most important reason why we have life and breath.
Love as our Standard of Obedience
We believe the highest form of love is doing what is in the best
interest of another, according to God, regardless of the cost to self.
True Worship as our Lifestyle
Every breath, every decision, every action, every
day reveals what we believe is of highest worth.
Relationships as our Context
We are created for relationships. Life is meant to be shared.
True love can’t be experienced any other way.
Service as our Privilege
The greatest use of our time, emotions, abilities, and resources
is in the loving sacrificial service of God and people.
Prayer as our Necessity
Interactive purposeful communication with God is
as essential for a wholehearted life as breath itself.